MESPA Web 20 Workshop

Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0 Overview 



Workshop Overview

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce partciapnts to Web 2.0. 

Topics covered in this session will include:

Students will be introduced to in an online community using Web 2.0 (blogs, rss, wikis and other tools) which allow for collaboration, creativity and innovation when integrating technology into learning. 


Pay Attention

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Link -


Web 2.0 - The Machine is Us/ing Us

Link to Professor Walsh's Video


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Link to Professor Walsh's explanation of video link (video shaking stops after 20 seconds)


A Vision of Students Today (college)

Another video by Professor Walsh Link


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YouTube Playlist - Several videos will play

Note: This is a Web 2.0 Playlist that I created on Web 2.0 tools.  Play the clip below, as you move across the

bottom of video, you can pick from several videos.  Enjoy!


YouTube plugin error


Web 2.0 Reinventing Education - David Warlick using SlideShare


slide errorPlugin error: That plugin is not available.  



Digital Students @ Analog Schools

Marco Torres - link

YouTube plugin error


21st Century Skills

Route 21

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is pleased to offer Route 21, a one-stop-shop for 21st century skills-related information

ISTE and DOE Standards and Benchmarks



Videos to descibe Web 2.0

Need help explaining Web 2.0 to your teachers?  Let these great video clips hl


What a Blog?

Video: Blogs in Plain English


Blogs to Review

The following Blogs are maintained by people or organizations that are dedicated to integrating the Read/Write Web and new technology tools in education. Explore the content in some these blogs and online publications to learn more about how the web is changing and how these changes can impact teaching and learning in the classroom. As you read, examine how the content is organized and take the time to read some of the comments that other people make in response to the bloggers' initial posts. Notice how the authors often include hyperlinks in their texts and think about how this form of writing differs from traditional journaling.


Create a Blog

Options to create a blog

Blogger, Edublogs and more


What is RSS?


Google Reader

Create a Google Account (validate in email)

Subscribing to Blogs using the Google Reader





RSS Feeds


NEA Feed




 *K12 Online Training on RSS



Customize your igoogle page



iTunes and Podcasts

Download iTunes

Subscribing to Podcasts


What is a Wiki?

Create a Blog

Options to create a wiki

pbwiki, wikispaces and more



Wiki training - Atomic Learning has a PBWiki Workshop that will review all the steps to working on a wiki! PBWiki - Atomic Learning


Wiki versus a Blog?

Web logs are great vehicles for interactive exchange of ideas between a group of people, but blogs are not as effective when a large number of people want to collaborate, contribute and easily find information on a topic.  That's when you need a wiki - “Think Outside the Blog” Article  



Set up your own wiki space at one of these free hosting sites or make a contribution to one of the spaces you find as you search through some of the wikis currently hosted on these servers. Looking for more information? Then check out Will Richardson Wiki on Wikis 


Options (What's opened or blocked in your school?)


Web 2.0 Tools to Integrate with Blogs and Wikis






Teacher Tube




1. Read A Teacher’s Tour of You Tube This brief article addresses the growing wealth of video resources online and begins to 

    address how teachers might take advantage of video in the classroom.

2. Go to YouTube or TeacherTube and pull in a video (use the embedded video code) or even pull in your favorite video's as a playlist.


Download YouTube Video using  zamzar  (article)

You Can Take It With You - (sign up for Technology & Learning Magazine - free!)

Download YouTube download services, but they also kept the format as FLV. Two sites, and Zamzar, however, offered conversion to the formats I wanted. ...








Want to Learn more?

Check out the K12 Online Conference 2007 Teasers

Upcoming Classes for Graduate Credit (June 23-27th)


New and Emgerging Technologies

Smartboard demo from YouTube



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